School Education

Back to school at 30? How to work while studying

Back to school at 30? How to work while studying

Working full-time and going to school full-time is a lot for everyone. The compatibility of school work with work and family commitments is a skill in itself. Going back to school at 30 may not seem like the easiest task, but it’s worth it.

You’ve decided to go back to school but aren’t sure if you can add college courses to your already busy schedule. We’re here to tell you you can, and the guide below will show you how.

Creating a healthy balance

When you decide to add something to your busy schedule, it can reveal anxiety and an overwhelming feeling. These feelings are normal, but with the right balance, you can achieve all of your goals stress-free.

You need to find a healthy balance between work, school and family/social life. The best way to do this is to find a place where you can limit yourself in certain areas. If you can shave a few hours of work while working full-time, do it.

Be sure to set aside time for schoolwork and time for family and friends.

Get grants, scholarships or loans

Attending university courses sometimes means a reduction in working hours. If this is the case for you and you are stressed about losing money, grants, scholarships or loans are available to help you through this time.

If you receive grants or scholarships, that money will cover part of your tuition, all of your tuition, or the full amount plus any money left in your pocket. If you have some money, you can use it to pay bills and not have to return it.

If you have a student loan in your pocket, you can also use it to pay bills, but you’ll have to pay it back after you graduate.

Find a moment if you can

It is important to always find time to study. You can do this during your lunch break or even on your way to work or school. Record yourself reading notes or flashcards.

You can listen to the recordings while driving. You can also get up early so you have about an hour to study before starting your day. Take time out whenever you can without interfering with your daily routine.

Consider your various options

At the beginning of your studies you have many options to choose from. You can take in-person courses, earn an online certificate for a specific program such as addiction counselling, or take a combination of online and in-person courses.

online courses save you time by not having to travel, and you also have more flexibility to complete your courses and assignments.

Going back to school at 30 is a challenge, but it’s worth it!

Going back to school at 30 is more difficult than graduating at a young age. However, the feeling of accomplishment when you’re done is even greater when you can do it at an older age with more hurdles.

Remember this guide if you need an extra jab, and remember you can do it!

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