School Education

Getting Lean: 5 Key Benefits of Agile Training

Getting Lean: 5 Key Benefits of Agile Training

Ready for the next career step? Agile training is a project management method that can be used by all organizations and industries due to its flexibility.

Read on to find out how agile training can benefit your career.

What is agile and lean?

Agile and Lean are mainly used in the software development industry. This project management structure enables professionals and teams to execute quickly and efficiently.

Agile Development was originally created using the concepts of the Agile Manifesto. Written by 14 software industry influential people, this document is based on three fundamental concepts:

Iterative development processes
Short feedback loops
project management process regulated
Lean derives from Lean Manufacturing and was adopted for software development. It’s a set of rules similar to the Agile framework.

To simplify the term, lean is about eliminating anything that doesn’t add value to the project, such as unnecessary meetings, tasks, and documentation. It’s all about efficiency and fast turnaround times.

It also focuses on “the system.” This means avoiding micro tasking and looking at how the team is performing as a whole. It’s important to trust your team to do with work, and, as long as they’re reaching their benchmarks, to not hover over their shoulders.

Agile Training is Adaptable

As corporate projects continue along their lifecycle, there can be new stakeholders joining the mix, requests for more content additions, and changing processes. Nothing is ever a “sure thing.”

So it’s important that professionals of all types are able to handle these changing elements. Agile provides the tools to do just that. In the software development industry, this means turning in smaller batches of work in order to get quicker feedback from clients.

Meeting Clients’ Expectations

Because the development cycle of Agile is so short, meeting clients’ needs is easier with frequent feedback. Because every customer request can be completely unique, this feedback is essential to keep developers and other professionals on track to meet customer expectations.

Common Tests

Tests are a critical part of the Agile process and are run frequently due to the short work cycle. When a project or product is ready for release, there usually aren’t many problems.

Communication and Collaboration

When teams work together to meet tight deadlines and frequently solicit feedback from their clients, there is a natural pressure to communicate. This leads to fewer misunderstandings in the long run and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Ready for agile training?

You should already be aware of the benefits agile training can bring and how it can improve your relationships with clients and colleagues. Plus, benefit your career by creating a collaborative and efficient work environment.

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