
What are the National Honor Society criteria for undergraduates?

What are the National Honora Society criteria for undergraduates?

Membership of the National Honour Society (NHS) has long been an indicator of an outstanding student. Founded in 1921, the organization aims to reward the best students in grades 10 through 12 in the United States. But organizing isn’t just about getting good grades. NHS membership means you are an active part of your community. That you have good character and do things for others. That you are leaders in your extracurricular activities.

What actually qualifies you to become a member of the NHS?

If you are considering joining the NHS, you may be wondering what makes you an outstanding high school student. But eligibility is pretty straightforward.

Beyond getting those National Society grades, what services and activities will you need to participate in? Well, the answer is, you need to serve your community and participate in activities. The society is looking for markets for potential success. So, activities include volunteer work and activities that showcase your leadership skills.

But here are some examples of what you need to do to be part of the NHS and get those scholarships to study.

Why Join the National Honour Society?

memberships in the National Honour Society shows you are a top student in both school and the country. The NHS shows not only that you’ve learned your job, but also that you’re committed to community service, leadership and good character.

colleges like to see more than grades: They want to know what sets you apart from the rest of the crowd, whether it’s your ability to mentor younger students or your commitment to helping others in your community.

Essentially, membership of the NHS enables members to find a clear way to show they are well-rounded learners, poised for future success.

National Honor Society Qualifications

As you are probably keen to learn more about the National Honour Society criteria, here is a brief overview of what it really takes to become a Fellow of the NHS with the best and brightest of your peers.


The notes are obviously the most obvious barrier to entry. Students must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 85 or a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 out of 4.Scale 0. However, 3.0 is the minimum set by the national organization. Individual chapters may have more stringent requirements.

If you are below a B+ average, you may also qualify for membership based on other criteria such as: B. High SSAT scores or exemplary volunteering.

characters We don’t look at the font of the very often these days, but the NHS still sees this quality as an indicator of success. In the context of the NHS, character means you hold yourself to high moral standards – you’re academically honest – and stay away from things like alcohol or drugs.

In this case, the NHS is looking for students who score zero for misconduct and who show kindness and caring for others.


Leadership is a big deal for college applications and the National Honour Society. While we understand that it is difficult for senior high school students to gain managerial experience, the organization is looking for students to take responsibility for their own academic or extracurricular activities.

Leadership experience may come from working with community organizations or as part of student leadership groups such as student government. This could mean throwing a homecoming or prom party, or organizing a canned fundraiser. In addition, getting involved in a football or basketball team also works. The NHS wants to see if you are good at working with others and if you choose to take an active role in everything you do.

Social work

community service is one of the key criteria for membership in the National Honour Society. Many schools already require students to complete a certain amount of unpaid work before graduation.

Your local NHS office will define the requirements for community service, so it’s not the same in every state. In some cases, your department may ask you to undertake a project with other students, while others may be content with the work you do on your own.

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